Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Buying my horse

When I fist purchased my horse, I knew she had some issues, but I also new she was the one for me. I got her for a great price, only $1200 for a registered Arabian. She had a nice confirmation a little short coupled, but that can be common with an Arab.
I knew right away that she was head-shy. I thought I can work with that. When I mounted her she stood still. "This was a great start" I thought.
I asked her to head out; she did at the lightest touch. Then I asked her to turn; she necked reined beautifully. I couldn’t gallop her at the time because she was injured. Not bad, but she had gotten into a fight with one of the geldings earlier and was a little swollen on her fetlock.
I knew as soon as I sat on her she was the one for me.

Mind you, I had already looked at 13 other horses. I was originally looking for a Quarter horse. As I was looking at the Quarter horses the man had for sale my sister saw this beautiful horse galloping in the field.
She said, “Karen look what about that one?”
I saw this horse streaking across the field bucking and galloping with the wind in her mane. “Yes what about that one,” I asked the man.
He said, “well that’s my horse.” “Is she for sale I asked?”
He didn't answer but his wife piped in,” I’ll go get her.” So the man followed his wife out to the field.
They had quite a time catching the mare; she was quick on her feet. They would head toward her and she would spin around and go in the opposite direction. Not having much luck on going up to her they decided to herd the mare into the smaller pasture. Once in she knew they had her.
Finally they got the halter on her. The man led her up to me and I went up to her, slowly rubbing her neck and chest. Then I slowly slid my hand up her cheek and she instantly threw up her head. I knew right there and then she might have some head issues. But she was easy to bridle and saddle up.

"Do you want to sell her?" I asked the man.
He looked at me and said, "Well I have been offered a $1000 for her sight unseen."
"I'll give you a $1000 for her," I quickly said. Heck I was willing to give him a lot more than that, but he didn't need to know.
He hemmed and hawed said he need to think about it. As I walked to the car one of my friends said, "How bad do you want her?"
I said, "I like her a lot!"
Then my friend said, "Well offer him more!"
So I went up to him and said, "I'll give you $1200 cash."
He looked at me took out his hand and said deal. He was to deliver her to me that Sunday. I could hardly stand it. I kept looking at my watch thinking hurry up, hurry up as I looked down the road. Finally I saw this truck pulling a horse trailer and I knew it was them.

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